Let's Define the Chosen Term

We hope this clarifies this term, but if we can be of further assistance, please let us know.

Zek Engl

ZEK, short for Zentralstelle für Kreditinformation, acts as a central database where all credit information of affiliated companies in Switzerland is collected. Since May 1, 2019, crowdlending companies are also required to register with ZEK and share their credit data. This data is an extremely valuable source of information for credit checks, as it comprehensively documents a customer's entire credit history. Based on this information, sound conclusions can be drawn about a customer's creditworthiness.

The ZEK thus plays a crucial role in ensuring responsible lending in Switzerland. It enables lenders to obtain a holistic view of a potential borrower's financial history. This helps ensure that loans are granted according to the individual's financial situation and protects both borrowers and lenders from making rash financial decisions.

Crowd4Cash places great emphasis on incorporating ZEK data into the loan review process to ensure responsible and sustainable lending. Our transparent approach ensures that all relevant information is considered to provide a solid basis for credit decisions.

The Website of the Zentralstelle für Kreditinformation can be found here.