Loan protection through insurance is an important protection mechanism for borrowers. At Crowd4Cash, all loans issued have death insurance as standard. This ensures full forgiveness of the outstanding loan amount in the tragic event of the borrower's death, alleviating the financial burden on survivors.
In addition to death benefit insurance, Crowd4Cash offers the option to purchase payment protection insurance. This recommended coverage significantly expands protection. It covers risks such as unemployment, disability and the financial impact of divorce. Over a period of six monthly installments throughout the loan term, this insurance provides additional security and stability.
Credit protection through insurance is a valuable shield for borrowers, protecting them from unforeseen circumstances. It provides security and certainty during financially challenging times and ensures continued loan repayment without undue stress.
Crowd4Cash recommends that all borrowers consider payment protection insurance to provide comprehensive coverage against various risks during the loan term. This additional protection is a valuable contribution to the financial security of borrowers.