Swiss Market Lending Association
The Swiss Marketplace Lending Association (SMLA) is the association of Swiss crowdlenders and represents the interests of the Swiss crowdlending industry. It aims to bring together all players in the crowdlending market. SMLA works to increase the transparency of this asset class for professional and private investors, promotes awareness of crowdlending and strengthens collaboration within the sector. In addition, SMLA advocates for high standards of business conduct as set forth in its Code of Conduct.
Marketplace lending refers to the extension of credit via electronic platforms between investors and borrowers. This also includes crowdlending, the most common term for this in Switzerland. Marketplace lending can be differentiated into loans for consumers, businesses and real estate.
The Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts acts as a neutral and guiding body in the SMLA and forms the interface between the platforms. It aggregates the figures of different providers and thus enables a comprehensive picture of the entire industry. Without this collection of data, such an overview would not be possible.
Through its activities, SMLA plays a crucial role in the promotion and further development of the crowdlending market in Switzerland. You can find out more about SMLA here.