Let's Define the Chosen Term

We hope this clarifies this term, but if we can be of further assistance, please let us know.

Available Amount

The "available amount" is a central concept in Swiss lending. Lenders in Switzerland are required by law to determine this amount as part of an affordability calculation. Here, the borrower's income is compared with the expenses. The amount determined in this way corresponds to the minimum under debt collection law and could be claimed in the event of a wage garnishment.

It is imperative that the available amount is always higher than the monthly installment that would be due in the case of a requested loan. At Crowd4Cash, a maximum of 80% of the available amount is usually accepted to ensure that sufficient financial leeway remains for the borrower.

Disclosure of the available amount is an integral part of all loan projects on our platform. This transparency allows both lenders and borrowers to make informed decisions and ensures responsible lending. Crowd4Cash places the highest importance on ensuring that this process is carried out in accordance with legal requirements and high standards in order to protect the financial stability of all parties involved.