Crowd4Cash at the Zug Young Entrepreneur Award 2020

Person who wrote the post admin Nov 24, 2020
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A slightly different experience. We were one of eight finalists selected in advance to take part in this year's Zug Young Entrepreneur Award. Despite the pandemic, the event was able to take place in 2020 thanks to the help of the Zug Technology Forum and a concept adapted to the circumstances. The visitors attended the short and crisp performances by the young entrepreneurs via livestream. Following the presentations, a new dimension of networking with virtual avatars was introduced as an alternative form of interaction. This was used by numerous spectators. When we applied for the event, no one could have guessed that it would take place in this manner. However, the concept of the competition essentially remained the same:

Eight exclusively selected young companies try to convince the audience and the critical expert jury of their own company in a mere five minutes (including Q&A).

Crowd4Cash was founded in 2016 and therefore fits well into the category of young companies. We are proud to have made it onto the stage of this event as a fintech company and to have convinced the audience of our company, our strengths and our motivation to provide a reliable service for SMEs.  The event offered a well relaxed atmosphere in the midst of the competition - despite the compulsory masks and distance restraints. In the community hall in Steinhausen the different young companies hat the opportunity to get to know each other and shared their ideas and goals.

We would like to congratulate the amazing winners and thank all spectators for the extremely positive feedback. We are looking forward to the next events - hopefully soon in person again.

Further information on the ZugerJUP can be found here.