The Crowd4Cash Team introduces itself: Robert Bareder

Person who wrote the post admin Nov 27, 2019
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What is your professional background?

Bank, bank, bank and again bank. Sounds boring, but I enjoyed it. From the diehard regional banker (basic education to Valiant's CFO) to international CFO in private banking and investment banking, my path has taken me to Crowd4Cash. I think that I can bring some of the experiences made into the team.

What motivates you professionally and privately?

To stand on the ground with both feet, to enjoy the moment with family and friends and to have the freedom to learn again and again and to be able to turn to the new.

What sets your team apart from other teams?

Clearly the many years of experience of the team members and the diversification within the team. Combined with an open culture of conversation, our small, motivated team brings out achievements that others can only dream of.

Are you a digital nomad?

No, not really. My colleagues refer to me as a gadget freak and my wife needs a lot of nerves when I try something again, but with me some of these gadgets have 'buzzed off' again. I only used what proved to be good. My beautiful pens and a fine notebook are still my constant companions; even if they have to share space with a smartphone, a notebook and a Bluetooth headset (of course ANC).

Have you already applied for a loan / invested in a loan project?

I have already invested in around twenty loan projects, with the best experiences (and of course a few suggestions for change) and look forward to new features like AutoInvest. Even being there to use the platform is a matter of honor for me, because the best idea ignites only if the implementation and the look and feel on the platform are also right.

Which tip do you give an investor?

Only to invest when you understand and believe in a product. A look at our platform is certainly a very good start to increase the return in CHF investments. The projects have been checked by us, presented transparently and some have additional collateral. The loans are being amortized on an ongoing basis, yielding a decent rate of return, and the default rate is currently well below our model assumptions. Once you understand the functionality, the AutoInvest feature helps you to improve your investment selection and minimize the hassle.