Crowd4Cash accepts investments in cryptocurrencies

Person who wrote the post admin Jan 19, 2018
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For the first time in Switzerland, Crowd4Cash enables high-yield direct investments with cryptocurrencies in peer-to-peer loans. Investors can easily pay for their investment with Bitcoins or Litecoins. By working with one of the leading Swiss Crypto Currency brokers, Crowd4Cash is able to convert payments quickly, cheaply and at the best available market price in CHF. Crowd4Cash does not charge any fees for this service, and only external transaction costs will be charged.

 "As a digital marketplace for lending, it goes without saying that we also accept digital currencies. Lenders can reinvest their profits from the investment in cryptocurrencies. Thus, Crowd4Cash creates a valuable alternative for Cryprocurrency investors to transfer to the interest-free Swiss bank account. With the attractive interest rates and the monthly interest payments on the loan portfolio, it is now possible to generate a stable monthly income with the cryptocurrency profits.

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