According to a survey by Comparis, every third adult in Switzerland has ever taken out a small loan. At the top of the credit list are car purchases (more than 50% of borrowers) and the bridging of financial difficulties. As our multiple credit inquiries suggest, the other reasons are very diverse.
The distribution of credit needs over the year is exciting. We have found an exciting study, which we would like to briefly record. This has examined the development of consumer lending throughout the year (http://mediafocus.ch/index.php?id=369&L=0).
When looking at advertising spending in the credit market, there are clear seasonal trends and associated volatility. Especially at the end and the beginning of the year, but also the summer holidays are weak months for credit providers. Distributed over the year, there are interesting peaks.
Special mention should be made of the reins on 1 April and 1 October, which were preceded by an advertising boost in the previous month. The new furniture or the removal costs require at a stroke high financial resources.
On average, a Swiss couple spends CHF 25,000 for the wedding. These costs are intensively advertised before and during the classic wedding month of May. The advertising in the spring but also aims at holiday seekers who want to dangle their soul in the summer holidays.
Despite our innovative approach, we are also subject to noticeable fluctuations in demand as a Crowdlending approach. As a cost-effective alternative to the traditional providers, we do not have the financial resources of traditional providers and are therefore barely relevant for this study. Nevertheless, we think the trends over the year are very interesting and are curious about what the next 12 months will bring. As an inclined investor or as a regular visitor to Crowd4Cash, you can experience and benefit from the seasonal effects. We look forward to you.
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